Your Feel Good Sports Story

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Annual Musky Hunt

This is a Musky

Every October I like to head to the Kawrthas and go fishing with my buddies on beautiful Chemong Lake.

We call it The Musky Hunt, but in reality, we rarely catch one. They are elusive and over the years we have had some success, but of late...not much.

I love the north country so much, the beauty, the serenity. Everybody has their favorite "north" country, some love the Kawarthas (Peterborough area), some love the rugged rockiness of the Muskokas and still some love the sandy beaches in Grey/Bruce (like Sauble Beach) ...too each their own, but me, I love them all.

We stopped to get fuel in Bridgenorth and the locals told us fishing was good. They told us where to go and the "bite" was would be good. (don't worry people, I am not naive...I have been down this road before) - oh well, we took his advice and away we went to try the "honey spot".

Within an hour we had a fish on, seemed like a good size, the fish took the line around behind the boat, and as I said to Brad for the third time "i have a fish" - it was gone...another fish story. Not to worry, we felt good, this day had potential.

We changed locations, and suddenly Brad caught a bass, not what we are looking for, but encouraging nonetheless. Surely the big one was coming...

About 20 minutes later, he caught another, the day was looking good. I even got into the act and  caught a nice little bass, but keep in mind we were fishing for Musky with big Musky lures.

                                                   Me with my "Musky???"

Brad even finished day one by catching a nice 3 pound pickerel. Day one was the best day we had in a while. We even saw a Musky chasing one of our lures late in the day....surely this was our year.

I will not bore you with the rest of the weekend...because, the weather got cold and windy...and we never saw another fish, we spent hours on the water and nothing....

We ate like kings watched The Argos, The Leafs and had an awesome time.

Maybe next year Mr Musky.

                                                     Brad with his Pickerel.

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