Your Feel Good Sports Story

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fall means Chili Sauce

I know this is a sports blog (mainly) - but sometimes I do tend to wander...and today might even be more than a wander.

My brother Jim dropped by to visit, all the way from Boutliers Point, Nova Scotia....and lucky for him, he came to visit on the day Mom and I had planned the famous "Chili Sauce" Day.

Now I am not sure if you even like Chili Sauce, after all, it is an acquired taste,and the chili sauce connoisseur will tell you "it goes with everything". It is all up to you.

It starts early in the week as Mom searched out for the best tomatoes, pears, peaches (all Ontario grown of course) - they have to be just the right ripeness to make the cut, and this in itself is a chore.

Once you have everything you begin.

First of course you must sterilize the jars....boiling them, and dried in the oven.
                                                 ....getting the jars ready.........

In the meantime, there is a lot of slicing and dicing to do. Onions and peppers to start with...

                                                       ....starting to take shape......

The fruit is a little more difficult, peeling peaches and pears and tomatoes is a challenge.
                      The Assembly line hard at work (sorry, but someone has to take the pictures)

That is actually the hardest, and the most time consuming part...peeling chopping etc.

Once done, everything goes into the pots....and the cooking begins.
                                          Now we wait, and stir....and wait....and stir....etc.

After a few short hours.....we are ready to jar.....the end is near.

After a busy day, many hours and a lot of laughs.....we are done.
                                                                         Voila! All Done!!!
Thank you so much to my great team.....after all a successful team is the sum of it's parts. (whew, I was able to slip in a sports tie in after all)
                                                  Brother Jim....Mom, and me....
Hmmm, now who do I give one too.....I must think on this.



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