Your Feel Good Sports Story

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


The National Football League locked out their referees before the season began.
More recently the NHL owners have locked out their players before the NHL season begins.

Ho Hum. It is a really tiring subject....but I am going to weigh in anyway.

The NFL Referees

I could begin by going on and on about the issues of this strike and there is no question that the NFL has a different opinion than the Refs as to what the problems are and why they can't solve the problems. It might not surprise you to learn that the referees would like more money, better pension yada yada....keep in mind that they make more money than most of you in a year...and they officially work about.....16 days a year. I am being a bit hard on them I guess, because I know they do a lot of prep work too...but my point....I feel that for what they do, they are more than fairly compensated.
On the other hand....the NFL is a multi billion dollar business, and to spend so much time on this is laughable.
The replacement refs are being roasted. They are under the microscope, every play being analyzed to the point of ridiculous.
Now of course this all came to a head on Monday night when on the last play of the game the Seattle QB threw a pass into the end zone for the win.
                                           One ref says no touchdown, and one says yes.

After review, the touchdown was counted, and all hell broke loose. The Green Bay players and fans went crazy, the media has been going on and on about the call, replay after replay, it is nuts.
Want my opinion on the call? - Blatant pass interference call that was missed first on the receiver from call.....and than it appeared to me in the highlights that the Green Bay player had more of the ball. But remember we have the advantage of slow motion replay. There is no question that the Seattle player did have his hands on the ball as well, and when they went to the booth, it was so close, they stuck with the call on the field. Touchdown. Like it or lump it, that is the call. Live with it. The thing that bothers me is that far too much attention is being given to this issue. The replacement guys are making mistakes. Makes sense. They don't have the experience. However, I have been watching football for a very long time, and guess what, the regular refs make mistakes...all the time....just like the players do....and the coaches do......just like we all RELAX people.
The NFL Referees could come back to work any time, and get paid a lot of money for doing a 16 day a year job. Time to go to work boys.

The NHL Lockout

Most of you know my opinion on this already. It is no secret. A joke. Both sides, players and owners should be embarrassed. Billionaires and Millionaires arguing because they both want more money. Ridiculous.

 And who does it affect? The fans. The people paying the money, filling arenas, buying jerseys etc. lose out. What about the businesses around the arenas? Regular people, trying to earn a regular dollar lose out, while millionaires sit around complaining...."it's not fair'!
 Selfish, Greedy, Pathetic.

To put it in perspective....who do you feel sorry for? See below.


Time to play hockey.

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