Your Feel Good Sports Story

Thursday, March 7, 2013


In my opinion the most important component of a great athlete. You might not be the most talented...or the most athletic....but if you have can still be the best athlete in your sport.

It is great to watch athletes that have focus. Athletes that are "in the zone" are just fun to may have read my "in the zone" blog last year.

Here are some great athletes that I love to watch....simply because of their ability to tune everything out....and play the game.

     Love him or not....Tiger Woods has the ability to focus like no other athlete I have seen.

                                Maria Sharapova is a beautiful Russian pro Tennis player.

When Maria moves to the tennis court, her focus is second to none. Next time you watch her, check out how she gathers herself between each point. Good or bad point, she will take a focus on her next point. Great stuff.

Alexandre Despatie is a great Canadian Athlete. Watch as a great diver stands on the platform or board before a dive. Focus, focus, focus. They will see the entire dive in their mind before it even happens.

Usain Bolt. The greatest sprinter in the world.....maybe of all time. He makes it look easy when he runs. However, at the start of the is all about focus, he concentrates, waits for the gun....and boom....he is gone. It is all about the Focus.
I could go on and on. I think it is a fascinating topic. Do you know of any great "Focus" stories. I would love to hear about them.

1 comment:

  1. you use a lot of people who play individual sports - i think it's even more important in team sports because then one person's focus has the ability to effect all their teammates
