Your Feel Good Sports Story

Monday, May 9, 2011

Saying Thankyou.

How often do you say thank you? What about 10 year olds today? How often do they say thank you?
Some things have changed over the last 40 years...but some have not. For example, When I was 10 my grandparents sometimes would give us money in a card as a gift. That still happens today. When I was 10 I would be "persuaded" by my Mom to send a thank you note. I usually grumbled, but I did it. And eventually I understood it. If I would go to a party, I was expected to send a thank you note. One time when I was 10, I went to Andy Arntfield's house. My Mom reminded me to send along a thank you note. Funny thing is, Andy's Mom was the same as my Mom, so she would keep the notes. I had lunch with Andy a while back, and he brought the note with him. I couldn't believe it. 43 years later, and he still had the note. Here it is, note the Captain Crunch letterhead.

There was no spell check back then, and spagetti  spagghetti spaghetti was a tough word.
This is the age where i started to learn what gratitude meant. I don't think I understood it, but the foundation was there, and I have my Mom and Dad to thank for that.
Thank you for reading.

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