Your Feel Good Sports Story

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

My Mom's Big Heart - Part 2

I toiled over the title of this other choice was....

   I'm Tired.....but I'm getting older.

Interesting Words to be sure. Age is very fickle....I remember playing sports in my late 20's and when I had some occasional "pain" - I would think to myself...."well, I am getting older". I also remember seeing a physiotherapist in my 40's about a calf strain. I went to move on the table...and I grimaced as I moved my shoulder. She asked me what was response (by now well rehearsed) ..."I can't really lift my arm all the way up....but "I am getting old".....I said. She chuckled....quickly assessed me and said I had  a "rotator cuff" injury. She put me on to an exercise program, specific to this injury, guessed it....3 months later...100% recovery....still to this pain in my shoulder.

The "I'm injured, but I am getting older".....or....."I'm tired, but I'm getting older"  statements....they quite frankly don't cut it for me anymore.

I am sure by now you are aware that my Mom had a heart attack recently......and I am happy to say that she is out of hospital, back at home....and feels great.....and grateful. For those that know her, know her as an amazing women....80 years young....always available to help out, and full of energy.

One week to the day before her heart attack, Patti and I had supper with my celebrate her birthday, before her trip to New York City. We all remember clearly now the words spoke by my Mom that night. She said (and I quote)...."I am so tired recently, I get home form doing something....and I have to lie down....I am just so tired.....BUT .....(here it comes) I am getting older" she said.
The words resonate with me.

That was a very HUGE sign that something was not right...but none of us picked up on it.

Another good friend of mine Scott (alias StrongHeart) - also had a similar experience. Much younger...playing sports, but found himself lacking energy...always tired......"but, I am getting older"...he would say......he too had a heart issue, and after successful angioplasty....he is full of energy, still playing lacrosse.....a completely different person (and energy level).

My message today (if you have not figured it out)  Don't use your age as an excuse!!

If you have nagging injuries, make sure you have seen your Doctor, make sure you have tried Physio, Chiro, Acupuncture, Massage Therapy....whatever it takes to "fix you". Don't accept less!!
Remember my Believe in Magic? blog on this subject?

As for your heart? -Do you know how to prevent a heart attack, or heart problem? Do you now the signs of a heart attack and what to do?

What can I do to help prevent heart attack?

A healthy lifestyle can help  This includes:
  • Quitting smoking if you smoke, and avoiding secondhand smoke.
  • Keeping a healthy diet that is low in fat and low in cholesterol.
  • Exercising regularly.
  • Managing your stress.
  • Controlling your blood pressure.
  • Managing your blood sugar level if you have diabetes.
  • Seeing your doctor regularly for check-ups.
Signs leading up to a heart attack?
  • Unusual fatigue - In one study, more than 70% of the women surveyed experienced marked fatigue in the days or weeks prior to their heart attacks.
  • Sleep disturbances - unusual sleep patterns
  • Shortness of breath
  • Indegestion
  • Anxiety
What are the symptoms of heart attack?
Symptoms of heart attack may include:
  • Chest discomfort, which may feel like pain, pressure, tightness, heaviness or burning (also called angina)
  • Pain or discomfort in the neck, shoulders, lower jaw, arms, upper back or abdomen.
  • Shortness of breath that lasts more than a few seconds.
  • Feeling lightheaded, dizzy or faint.
  • Nausea and/or vomiting.
  • Unusual sweating.
  • Overwhelming fatigue.
  • Feeling anxious.
  • Heart palpitations (feeling like your heart is beating really fast, or out of rhythm).

This can be a complex subject if we let it. I, however would like to simplify....because (some of you may not know this.....I am not a Doctor.....I don't even play one on TV. But I know this.

If you do not feel right ie.injury, tiredness....anything that is not "you" than do something about it. See your Doctor. Don't be shy. Don't be "tough". There are a lot people who care about you, and who want you around.

                                                        Mom heading home!! (StrongHeart 2)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mike for the happy update. I did write her a note and will call her when she is settled. Everyone loves Marjory. And your educational blog on health is excellent and all too true. I pushed myself through curling, church activities, aquaFit - where I got short of breath - until I passed out with a VERY rapid heart beat and now with the help and friendship of a cardiologist am on two expensive meds and no longer recite the " But I am getting old" ( which at 86 happens to be true! ) I suspect and hope that your blog will waken quite a few people to the fact that their health IS their most precious possession. As for me, I should have known better since I do have that old degree in Health Education! Marjory's story is a happy one and like Don and me she is lucky to have a large, loving, caring, knowledgeable family. Mary. P.S. You write VERY well.
