Your Feel Good Sports Story

Monday, April 4, 2011

Technology in 1967

Back in 1967, when I was 10, we had no cell phones. If we wanted to talk to a friend we would pick up the phone and dial the number (and I do mean dial)… phone number was Taylor 2 – 0828.
Here is where it gets really crazy, sometimes I would just walk to my buddy’s house and say hi. We would just walk in, as though we lived there, the parents there were usually carbon copies of my parents, they were not surprised to see you, they expected it.
-        We had no Internet. We used Encyclopedia Britannica....well we were supposed to.
-        We had no video games. We did the real games - 3D - like table hockey, and electronic football (a football field where you would put all the players on it, put the magnetic football on the running back and turn on the switch, the field would vibrate, and the players would buzz in any direction they felt like, we played for hours and hours, too funny)…….......and of course, and best of all, we played sports.
-        No dvd, not even vhs tapes, no cd’s ……Crazy stuff….we used 33 1/3 long play records, or 45rpm singles.
-        We had black and white tv’s and you had to change the channels by hand……think about that, I had to get up off the floor or out of my chair or off the couch, every single time I wanted to change the channel……but it wasn’t bad, we only had 3 channels for a time……although I did have a certain skill, (I don’t like to brag) but I could lay on the floor watching tv and could reach up with my foot, and change the channel with my toes, Maybe that is what the guy was doing that invented the remote…..and I said the guy, because I don’t think even then, that most woman ever thought of it as a problem to get up and change the channel, that has to be a guy thing.
Next - My dog - Chips.

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