Your Feel Good Sports Story

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Daily Routine - Do you have a good one?

Everybody has a routine of some sort, and of course some routines are much better than others. Your diet and exercise combined with your job and other daily commitments and extra curricular stuff, of course all play a part. Today I am going to talk more about the inner self daily routine.

A good daily routine actually starts when you go to bed. Give yourself enough time to get a solid 6 - 8 hours of sleep. Go to bed grateful with what you have, and you will sleep better.

Sarah Ban Breathnach said:Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.

When you wake up, be thankful again for what you have and look forward to a great day! Start smiling immediately. Share your good mood with everyone you meet, and you will get it back.

Some things I learned:
  • say please and thankyou
  • say "nice job" - "good effort" - "excellent idea"
  • have a sense of humour (especially about your self)
  • open doors - be polite.
  • be respectful to everyone you meet (say hi to a stranger here and there)
  • smile
  • admit a mistake, learn from it.
  • take some personal time each day, might be an hour, might be 10 min.
And here is the big one(and difficult). If there is someone that you had an arguement, disagreement etc. with, whether it is personal or business, you be the one to forgive and forget. Time to get on with your day.

Try making this your daily routine...and see how it makes you feel.

I would love to here some of your ideas.

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