Your Feel Good Sports Story

Sunday, August 21, 2011

It's not all about winning.

That is easy to say for a team that just went  0 wins and 3 losses. We scored 12 goals and had 28 goals against. Brutal. It is weird really. We have a really good team. Seriously. Our team is not bad.
We have a lot of guys that are great coaches, great players, really good lacrosse minds...but if you put us out on a lacrosse floor we suddenly flat line ____________________   we really do. It makes no sense. But it happened over and over. _____________________________ flat line. Can't shoot, score, pass, play goes bad really fast. I cannot explain it happens.

....but after the fog lifts......I have such a great group of friends. What a great bunch of people.

Hosting a tournament, and playing as an excuse to not play well, but in reality...not really.

Yes we are hosting the Ontario Master's Provincials.....but that is no excuse to play so bad. Bottom Line...It just happened. We got smoked. End of Story.

But the character of my teammates and their significant others is second to none. Everybody works hard...and  together to get the job done.

Every year, provincials do seem to cause some problems, people don't like how this is worked out and that is worked out. We seem to figure it out though.....and we move on.

I have some thing to say on that, but I will wait for another day to say it. But I do have to say this. Owen Sound Seniors went 3 wins and 0 losses, but because of the format, did not make the playoffs. Odd. Tough to take. But there they were, in the booster club after their game, supporting the tourney, buying tickets for the prize tables.....and having fun. Don't get me wrong, they were not happy, but support the tournament they did.

At the end of the day, Masters Lacrosse is about friendships. Sunday they will play for the Hardware. Oakville will not play...we stunk the joint out....but when we close up on Sunday afternoon, I still have the best friends ever.

Good Luck On Sunday.

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